I believe young people should know about as many jobs as possible before they choose educational course and careers. Many parents have also told me they find it a shame that there is limited work experience and few part time Saturday jobs available.
I have been interviewing local people from a wide variety of jobs to showcase all the weird, wonderful and more traditional career opportunities that can be found across Stroud, the Valleys and Vale.
For the first session, it was a pleasure to speak with Pete Wort of Vulcain. I found Pete's journey very inspiring and I hope you will find this an interesting watch!
I will continue championing all things employment both locally and nationally and have the second session of my new All-Party Parliamentary Group on The Future of Employability this afternoon which will today focus on training and skills!
If there is a particular area of work that you are interested in please do comment and I shall endeavour to hold an interview on the topic!
Please stay tuned for more Ambitions episodes coming soon.